
[USKINLAB REVIEW] Body Care Series dan Lip Care untuk Daily Routine

Waktu kecil selalu pakai lotion dan segala body care yang aman untuk anak kecil, tapi nggak pernah pakai skin care. Kenapa? Karena emang belum butuh skin care. Sekarang, pusing cari skincare yang cocok untuk wajah yang sudah butuh perawatan. Tapi tetep pakai body care nggak tuh? Kulit badan kita sampai dewasa butuh banget lho, untuk dirawat. Sebulan ini aku pakai body care dan lip care dari UskinLab dalam daily routine. Ada 2 produk yang juara banget, bikin aku happy kalo pakai produknya. Let's spill the tea!

[SKINCARE REVIEW] Mireya Duo Serum : Kunci Kulit Glowing 2021!

Siapa sih yang nggak mau kulit glowing?  Awal tahun 2021 kulitku sempat break out. Karena banyak muncul jerawat dalam, jadi takut buat pakai rangkaian skincare yang rumit. Jadi aku fokus ke penyembuhan jerawat. Setelah jerawatnya mulai hilang, kulitku berasa dull (kusam) dan kasar. Belum lagi, ada bekas jerawatnya. Tapi dua serum ini termasuk skincare penyelamat sih buat aku. Let's spill the tea! Niacinamide 10% Packaging serum ini terbuat dari kaca dengan finishing matte/doff jadi kamu bisa melihat isi serumnya . Labelnya berwarna putih, dilengkapi dengan tulisan nama produknya yang berwarna magenta. I love the final touch on their product name. I don't know how to call it, but as you can see tulisannya glossy jadi lebih menonjol dari elemen packaging lainnya. Tutupnya berupa pipet berwarna putih yang membuat pengaplikasian lebih mudah. Tekstur : bening, cair, ringan, mudah terserap, tidak lengket Ingredients & Manfaat:  Niacinamide - Membantu mencerahkan kulit 3M3 Whiter

What a Year, 2020

Looking back to December 2019 – Did you even expect this year’s graduation, school orientation, photoshoots, meetings, and even going to cinema would be done virtually/online? Nope. Everyone was excited for the new decade and seemed so positive about it. Oh well but the hype didn’t last long. We just stepped right in, and those crazy news keep surprising us. But it was all up to us, how did we react to the unexpected? The Excitement and Disappointment I had a huge plan for this year. I even called 2020 as my “Start Over”. In the beginning of 2020, though we heard a lot of crazy news, I felt like I had to focus on the blessings that allowed me to do what I wanted to do. Opening new gates, getting back to what’s left behind, going out of my shell, trying to get everything back on track as I planned. I remember saying, “Being positive about the year is not about setting a high expectation on what will happen throughout the year, then feeling disappointed of the reality. It is about fi